Sunday, October 31, 2010


Liv had a ton of fun trick-or-treating tonight!

She got a lot of loot, and she wasn't even afraid of the "Spooky Red House"! But she did get a little startled by the guy at the red house because he came out in a skeleton mask. But she said she wasn't scared!

She decided to be a spider again, just like last year. Good thing, too. Because it was really chilly, and the spider costume was toasty warm.

Here are a few photos:

Heading to the "Spooky Red House"!

Here she is, posing after getting candy from the "Spooky Red House"!

One more pose, for good measure, with the "Spooky Red House" in the background.
She wanted to do a silly pose!

Check out this house!!

This place was awesome! They had a cotton candy maker, sodas, candy, scary music, creepy crawly things, you name it . . .
Liv got some orange cotton candy here, and Andrew got a soda! It was too much fun!

1 comment:

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Whoa, check out that house - fun!

She made a really great spider, as far as spiders go :-)

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