Friday, August 3, 2012

Brava, Livie!!

Last week, Livie (and 59 other kids) participated in a week-long theater camp at the Civic Center of Greater Des Moines, in Des Moines, IA. (During this time, we stayed at my parents' place, because they live in the area.) The kids learned about acting, what goes on behind the scenes in a theater, and learned how to put on a musical (Cinderella), which they performed at the end of the week for family and friends.The camp was put on by the Missoula Children's Theater and the educational department at the Civic Center.

Here's the photo tour of Livie's first theater experience! (LOTS o f photos are coming up!)

On the first day of camp, she was excited for me to drop her off! The camp was Monday - Friday, beginning at 9AM and running through 4PM Monday - Thursday. Friday was the long day, with the dress rehearsal in the afternoon, and the  performance at 5:30 PM.
 Because the staff were strict about security, parents (or grandparents or other family/friends) had to wait until 4PM on the dot to be able to head back inside to pick up the kids. So no photos of the "inner workings" of theater camp. However, if you're curious, you can look at the Civic Center of Greater Des Moines' blog about Cinderella Camp.

 Finally, it was Friday, the day of the performance. We were allowed into the theater to find our seats at 5PM. 

Here's the stage:

Here are Livie's maternal grandparents, Abuelita and Nonno, studying the program. Abuelita told Nonno, "She's a pumpkin; that's all you need to know."

(We had to wait until the end of the show to take pictures, because flash photography was not allowed.)

Here's the whole cast at the end of the show. (I had to crop it the best I could after another mom unexpectedly jumped in the way of my shot.)

Livie is the smiling pumpkin (the second pumpkin from the left). 

One of the camp instructors told them to make silly faces for this next photo. And they sure did!

Another silly face!!

Andrew and I were given a backstage pass to wait for Livie backstage after the "photo call." Here are directions to remind actors, stagehands, etc, which way is which.

 Another directional photo here (again, I had to crop significantly when a mom, oblivious of my aimed camera, got into the way).

Another backstage view, with stored lighting and other theater necessities in safe places. 

We're heading to a different area backstage to return her costume.

Liv's showing us where she and the other pumpkins sat while they waited for their turn on stage.

Backstage workings.

Liv's posing back stage.

And, of course, she got the t-shirt!

Brava, Livie! We are proud of you and your performance!!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Great pics - she was such a cute pumpkin. I love the silly faces shot.

Jill said...

You are the cutest pumpkin ever, Livie! What a wonderful time for you. I'm sure you'll remember it forever.

Beth said...

The kids making faces are so cute! Loved all of the pictures.

TexWisGirl said...

what a great experience for her. :)

Randy said...

Looks like a an awesome production.

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