Saturday, June 5, 2010

Oma and Livie go to the Drake Diner

Oma and Livie enjoy going to the Drake Diner near Drake University in Des Moines, IA. On the Friday before Memorial Day, we all went for lunch.

Oma and Livie both split a huge grilled cheese sandwich and fries, get their own drinks, and at the end, split a gigantic strawberry malt.Here's there latest adventure in fine diner dining.

Here's the Drake Diner:

Liv is distributing crayons to all of us at the table. Oma wants to choose her own, but the Bossy Boss wants to do it, instead:

Oma and Livie are waiting for their meal; they're playing Tic-Tac-Toe to pass the time:

They're laughing about something:

Liv thinks Oma is hilarious:

Oma is watching Liv:

Oma gets a hug when she gets the chance:

They're enjoying strawberry malts:

Oma is enjoying the company:

A final hug before leaving the Drake Diner:


Jaime Leigh said...

What precious moments captured!!! I found your blog because Two Bears Farm and the Three Cubs gave you and award on her blog! I am enjoying your photographs and blogging!!!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Why, thank you! I've been trying to get photos of my grandmother and her great-granddaughter (my daughter) together whenever I get the chance.

I'm glad you're enjoying the blog. And I definitely appreciate the award from Two Bears Farm and the Three Cubs!

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